Marketing and Promotions
Craft a marketing strategy that uses multiple channels to reach your audience. Leverage social media, email newsletters, and direct invitations to maximize attendance.
Invitation email
This email will outline your planned reunion activities and will be the first time your reunion group members are informed about your upcoming event. Be sure to share your enthusiasm with them! You can also assist in personalizing the email. We recommend you list “lost” members in your email since many group members will know the whereabouts of the “lost” members and can assist the Alumni Engagement Office in updating their address.
In addition to personalizing your invitation email, consider including a line encouraging recipients to forward the invitation to all of their classmates. This helps reach alumni who may not be on the original mailing list, ensuring a broader audience is informed and can participate in the reunion festivities.
Telephone and digital campaigns
Incorporate a multifaceted approach to encourage participation in your reunion by utilizing digital communication techniques. Following the distribution of email invitations, initiate a digital outreach campaign that includes texting, direct messaging on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as well as leveraging LinkedIn. LinkedIn can be particularly effective for reconnecting with professional alumni who may not be active on other social media platforms. Consider creating a post about the reunion or directly messaging classmates to ensure a broader reach. Starting this digital outreach 3-4 weeks after the email invitations have been sent allows your classmates ample time to plan and engage with your event. This strategy ensures effective communication and can significantly boost event attendance by reaching out through preferred channels.
Utilize UFV channels
Work with UFV’s Alumni Engagement office to utilize official channels for promoting your event. This ensures your reunion is featured in alumni communications and on the UFV events calendar.
Engagement before the event
Create a buzz around your reunion with teasers, countdowns, and flashback posts. Engage your audience with prompts that encourage them to share their memories and expectations for the reunion.