Call for alumni nominations to UFV Senate

FRASER VALLEY – Are you a UFV alumnus who’d like to stay involved with the UFV community while making valuable contributions to the University and your community?

Then consider volunteering to assist future alumni while gaining experience in governance, leadership, and communication, by allowing your name to stand for election as the Alumni Association representative to the University of the Fraser Valley Senate.

“I have relished the opportunity to represent our alumni on UFV’s Senate. UFV is doing amazing things and I have enjoyed participating in the discussions and decisions that will help shape the university going forward,” says current Alumni Representative on Senate, Daniel Goertz, who graduated from UFV in 2010 with a Bachelor of Business Administration.

Senate is the academic governing body at UFV that is responsible for managing academic policies and advising the Board on policies of mutual interest. A three-year volunteer term on the Senate allows UFV alumni to contribute to their alma mater in meaningful and rewarding ways, while taking advantage of opportunities to professionally network and enhance their record of community involvement.

“I would encourage other alumni to put their name forward to serve on UFV’s Senate, it’s a great opportunity to learn about and participate in university governance and contribute to UFV’s future”, adds Goertz.

Complete a nomination package today. Questions? Contact the Alumni Relations Office at 604-557-4008 or

Nominations must be submitted to the Alumni Relations Office, B214, no later than May 4, 2018.

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