UFV Alumni Association seeks Distinguished Alumni nominations

FRASER VALLEY – UFV alumni can be found making a difference around the corner and across the world. And the UFV Alumni Association wants to celebrate them.
There are more than 38,000 alumni from the University of the Fraser Valley working in a variety of industries and sectors and making a significant impact on our economy and our communities.
The UFV Alumni Association will recognize two exceptional alumni through the Distinguished Alumni Awards. One award will be conferred upon a graduate who has achieved outstanding distinction in their career, in educational achievement, or by providing exceptional community service. The second award, the Young Distinguished Alumni Award, goes to a graduate of UFV who is 34 years of age or younger who has achieved outstanding distinction in the same categories.
Winners of these awards will join the ranks of past recipients including 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award winner Emily Henry, who has built a career on designing programs influenced by Indigenous cultural beliefs and practices to help the over-represented group of Indigenous people in the federal corrections system, and 2017 Young Distinguished Alumni Award Alexis Warmerdam, an alumna from the Engineering Transfer program who is a driving force behind Abbotsford’s blossoming agriculture tourism industry.
The deadline for nominations is May 1, 2018.
Nomination application and criteria can be viewed and downloaded at alumni.ufv.ca/awards/distinguished-alumni-awards/